Budget cuts proposed by the Abbott government have instigated a proliferation of restructures across the public sector. These restructures will have far reaching impacts on culture and education.

The Re-structure conference in 2014 looked at the current state of the arts, and considers alternative modes of culture and knowledge production within times of shrinking public expenditures. Featuring participants from performance, fashion, creative arts, gaming, media and community intervention, the event explores both broader sustainable strategies as well as "clever partial solutions" to cultural and knowledge production in a "post-public" sector environment.

Authors (peer reviewed): Stephen Healy, Maria Miranda, Grace McQuilten and Anthony White, Jon Hawkes, Katharine McKinnon, Vic McEwan and Joan Staples.

As well as this e-book includes art works by out-of-sync (N. Neumark and M. Miranda), Siying Zhou and selected additional international contributions by Geert Lovink, Seb Olma and Ned Rossiter and Mercedes Bunz (non-peer reviewed).

Check it (plus additional video documentation) out here!